Support Us

Interested in supporting the work of Bridge Builders financially?

You’re in the right place. After clicking the donate button, you can select which project or initiative you’d like to contribute to.

All donations are tax deductible and processed securely through PayPal. Contact us below if you would like to send a donation through your bank or Zelle.

Contact Us

Bridge Builders is engaged in several projects in multiple cities. To learn more about our projects, click the Projects link on the main menu. You can also contact us below to request more information about a specific program.

Checks can be made out and sent to the following address:

Bridge Builders Network, Inc. PO Box 9041 San Diego, CA 92169

Please include a note indicating your donation is for Welcoming Afghans, Learning Bridge, or the General Fund.

Bridge Builders Network, Inc is a registered 501c3 non-profit registered in the State of California. EIN # 81-3813065. All donations are tax deductible.