Our Center Focus

A meal shared at the Men's English class.

From May 12, 2023

We continue to host weekly programs for many men, women, and school age children at our Center, serving those who initially came in the fall 2021 - spring 2022. Our work continues with providing ongoing help for newly arriving refugees, fleeing for their lives from the Taliban, and seeking refuge in the USA. These brave people come to us with urgent needs for housing, food, clothing, medical care, and help with their immigration documents. We have been finding some housing for families but there is still a great need for hosting both individual men and women, as well as families. We find that all of the local shelters are full. If you are willing to provide any kind of housing, short or long term, please contact us. We do need ongoing funding partners for our work, so we invite you to consider giving a one time generous tax-deductible gift, or better yet. to support us monthly. You can use the donation button is on the right of this page or send a check to BBN PO Box 9041 San Diego, CA 92169

Our WAI leadership team met recently and came up with the following to help clearly explain our vision and values to newcomers, our partners, and visitors to our Center:

At Bridge Builders we seek to be welcoming, respectful, understanding, and caring

We value:

  • Building friendships across cultures

  • Learning & Creativity

  • Faith & Freedom

  • Personal Responsibility & Integrity


The Story of Many Who We Are Serving


New Challenges