CORONA VIRUS - COVID-19 - Our Response

We have set up a web page dedicated to facilitate communication with our Syrian neighbors.

There are multiple things going on with our Syrian adult neighbors now:

  • not understanding English well, if at all

  • not understanding our culture & ways we communicate and share information real time, resulting in getting misinformation or mixed messages within their own community,

  • living in cramped apartments with many kids, and many not having well established relationships with local native born Americans who are more in the know. 

  • being subjected to being re-traumatized from not feeling they have any power or control in their lives.

Please pray for us as we develop this resource and let us know if you would like to help support us in this effort. We do have an active team working hard to help establish wellbeing among our Syrian neighbors.  “Love God &  love your neighbor”    “love never fails”Your prayers and support are requested in this endeavour.


The Greatest Challenge for our Syrian Neighbors?


Our 4th Annual Friends of Syria Christmas Fair 2019