Kristen Farrell

About Us

Kristen Farrell lives in San Diego, California and has been working with Bridge Builders Network since 2021. Her desire to work with refugees started with God’s call on her life to participate in the work that God is doing with diaspora combined with her professional interest and skills for rehabilitation across cultures in her work as an Occupational Therapist.


Kristen works at Bridge Builders Network in the capacity of administration and communications, as well as event planning and working with young women. She also maintains employment 4 days a week at a local hospital. Her unique life stage and perspective have allowed her to create friendships and share life with many young refugee women who are also navigating faith, school, work and relationships.

Sharon leads an ESL ministry to refugee women called English Language Ambassadors where volunteers teach refugee women in their homes or apartments. This allows for a deeper relationship to develop between the refugee woman and her Christian teachers. Once trust has been built, the volunteers begin to have the freedom to share about the love of Jesus. Richard leads the Nations Within team and has a group of men who meet regularly to pray and discuss strategies to reach Muslim men through friendship, food truck ministry, sports, etc.

Thank you all for your encouragement, generosity, and prayers!